The Bach Flower Remedies are easy to take and simple to mix for yourself and your family.
Choose the remedies you feel you need at the moment to support you emotionally (up to a maximum of seven remedies). You can then either add two drops of each remedy to your drinks, as you need them, or mix a treatment bottle for convenience.
Take a 30 ml dropper bottle and add:-
- Two drops of each of the remedies you have chosen
- A teaspoon of alcohol or wine vinegar as a preservative (optional)
- Fill the bottle with still spring water
Label your bottle with your name, the date mixed and keep a record of the remedies you included.
The dosage is 4 drops 4 times each day. You can take this directly on your tongue or add the 4 drops to any drink. There is no maximum dose, so on any day when you feel under extra pressure, you can take the remedy frequently, without any risk of over dose.
If you are taking the minimum dose regularly, your bottle will be empty in 3 to 4 weeks. You can then review your choice of remedies and remix a new bottle.
If you would like to know more about the Bach remedies go to the Courses page of this website for details of workshops, group meetings and seminars.
Size: 30ml Price: £0.80
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